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Scottish Government Debate: Championing Disability Equality and Human Rights

Tuesday 05 December 2023 2:47 PM


Emma Roddick S6M-11537 That the Parliament notes the ambition for Scotland to be a world leader in both the legislation for, and realisation of, human rights; recognises the disproportionate impact that the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis continue to have on disabled people’s human rights and equality; welcomes the action being taken across the Scottish Government, including reopening the Independent Living Fund in Scotland, with an initial investment of £9 million, and a commitment to develop and implement an Immediate Priorities Plan for Disabled People; notes the recent consultation on a Human Rights Bill to incorporate economic, social and cultural rights and rights for disabled people into Scots law, which, if effectively implemented, will help secure a life of dignity for all, including the most marginalised and disadvantaged; reaffirms the values of Scotland’s National Performance Framework outcomes for disabled people, including protecting human rights, allowing people to live free from discrimination, and creating a fairer, more inclusive Scotland, and commits to listening to the lived experience and expertise of disabled people and to sharing policy development and decision-making in a genuinely inclusive and participatory manner. Miles Briggs S6M-11537.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-11537 in the name of Emma Roddick (Championing Disability Equality and Human Rights), insert at end “; expresses concern over the number of families, children and disabled people in temporary accommodation; calls on the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry to investigate the failings of Scottish ministers during the pandemic such as instances of disabled people being moved out of hospital without family decision-making, and disabled people having their care and independent support packages cut or suspended, and further calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that all those in receipt of Adult Disability Payment and Personal Independence Payment are also entitled to claim Social Security Scotland’s Winter Heating Payment, to deliver the Coming Home Implementation recommendations for young people with learning disabilities and complex care needs being held inappropriately in hospital settings, to support and deliver Anne’s Law and Calum’s Law, and to fully implement and deliver Frank’s Law.” Paul O'Kane S6M-11537.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-11537 in the name of Emma Roddick (Championing Disability Equality and Human Rights), leave out from “recognises” to end and insert “acknowledges that the Scottish Human Rights Commission has warned that the Scottish Government has not done enough to ensure that disabled people’s human rights are fully realised; is deeply concerned that disabled people’s organisations believe that the gap in political leadership has led to disabled people feeling deprioritised and dehumanised; notes the Scottish Government’s commitment to develop and implement an Immediate Priorities Plan for Disabled People, which was promised in June 2023; believes that the repeated delays in addressing the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis have hampered the ability of disabled people to recover from the effects that they have suffered; notes that the Scottish Government has failed to implement the recommendations of the Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland in full, and urges the Scottish Government to belatedly provide its Immediate Priorities Plan with the political resource and leadership that it has, until now, lacked.”

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