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Portfolio Questions

Wednesday 03 May 2023 2:00 PM


Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy Mercedes Villalba S6O-02164 1. To ask the Scottish Government what progress has been made on the Energy Skills Passport for offshore energy workers. Kenneth Gibson 2. [Withdrawn] Claire Baker S6O-02166 3. To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking in response to the recommendations of the independent review into women in entrepreneurship in Scotland. Jim Fairlie S6O-02167 4. To ask the Scottish Government what its latest engagement has been with the UK Government regarding financial pressures that households in Scotland are facing as a result of energy costs. Michael Marra S6O-02168 5. To ask the Scottish Government what impact it anticipates that the reported closure of Tayside Aviation will have on the financial sustainability of Dundee Airport and associated Tay Cities Deal funding. Stephanie Callaghan S6O-02169 6. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on its interim goals of reaching 50% of disabled people in employment by 2023 and 60% in employment by 2030. Gordon MacDonald 7. [Withdrawn] Ben Macpherson S6O-02171 8. To ask the Scottish Government how it is supporting the regeneration and development of Granton Waterfront. Finance and Parliamentary Business Annie Wells S6O-02172 1. To ask the Scottish Government how much it has allocated from its Budget to cover the costs of its challenge of the decision of the UK Secretary of State for Scotland to issue an order under section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998 in respect of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. Jackie Baillie S6O-02173 2. To ask the Scottish Government what financial assessment has been made of any impact on the capital budget of delays in delivering infrastructure projects. Meghan Gallacher S6O-02174 3. To ask the Scottish Government how much it has allocated from its Budget to cover any additional costs resulting from the delay to the Deposit Return Scheme. Bill Kidd 4. [Not Lodged] Richard Leonard S6O-02176 5. To ask the Scottish Government what steps it is taking to support responsible and ethical tax collection practices. Miles Briggs S6O-02177 6. To ask the Scottish Government what impact assessment it has undertaken regarding any reductions to core funding allocations in its Budget for third sector organisations. Alex Rowley 7. [Not Lodged] Willie Coffey S6O-02179 8. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will routinely provide government statistics on a Scottish Parliament constituency basis. followed by Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate: Transparency of Scotland's Governing Party Douglas Ross S6M-08764 That the Parliament believes that the First Minister, as leader of the governing party of Scotland, should make a statement to the chamber of the Scottish Parliament about the governance of the Scottish National Party (SNP); agrees that these are matters of public interest and should be properly scrutinised and debated in the national parliament; notes that the Scottish Government has lacked transparency and openness in its administration of government across Scotland; calls, therefore, on the Scottish Government to end its pre-release access of statistics, deliver a more transparent budget process, give arm’s-length bodies control over information publication, publish a transparency list of public sector officials who earn more than the First Minister, set swifter publication dates for ministerial expenses and transport dates and improve scrutiny of breaches of the ministerial code, and condemns the SNP for its lack of candour about its membership and governance, and for its abject failure to concentrate on the priorities of the people of Scotland. George Adam S6M-08764.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-08764 in the name of Douglas Ross (Transparency of Scotland's Governing Party), leave out from "believes" to end and insert "agrees that good governance and transparency are matters of the utmost importance; believes that democracy is best served when all political parties are transparent on their party membership and sources of income; recognises the improvements made to the transparency and openness of the Scottish budget process as a result of cooperation between the Scottish Government and parliamentary committees; welcomes the upcoming review of the Chief Executive Pay Framework and encourages all parties to clearly lay out their position on public sector pay policy ahead of the annual budget process; calls on all political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament to refuse and return any donations from unincorporated associations that do not publish their sources of funding in full; believes that all political parties should refuse to nominate their donors for any form of honour bestowed by the Crown, including membership of the House of Lords; recognises that the only parties represented in the Scottish Parliament to have published up-to-date membership numbers are the Scottish National Party and the Scottish Green Party, and calls on the leaders of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Scottish Labour Party and Scottish Liberal Democrats, in the interests of democracy and transparency, to publish their membership numbers as a matter of urgency." Jackie Baillie S6M-08764.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-08764 in the name of Douglas Ross (Transparency of Scotland's Governing Party), insert at end "; believes that the culture of secrecy, spin and cover-up has no place in good government; considers that there is a need to strengthen the ability of the Parliament to hold the governing party to account, and so calls for a limit on the number of MSPs who can take up cabinet secretary or ministerial roles in government and the creation of binding sanctions for breaches of the Ministerial Code, and supports the introduction of parliamentary privilege for MSPs, the election of committee conveners by the whole Parliament, stronger powers for parliamentary committees to compel the provision of evidence and the appearance of witnesses, and a right of recall for MSPs who have been convicted of a crime or face serious sanction by the Scottish Parliament."

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