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Members' Business — S6M-14125 Sue Webber: A New Winchburgh Train Station

Tuesday 03 September 2024 5:34 PM


That the Parliament notes the view that there is a need for a new train station at Winchburgh; further notes the belief that a new station is essential because Winchburgh people need a sustainable, low-carbon alternative to the car to access jobs and services in Edinburgh, especially in light of 4,000 extra homes reportedly being built as part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal; understands that a study from transport consultants, Systra, estimates that a station would remove just short of 420,000 car journeys a year, which will help the Scottish Government and local authorities to achieve their net zero goals; further understands that passengers would save £2.4 million per year, and that there will be £3.5 million of decongestion benefits per year; notes that Winchburgh Developments has already spent over £50 million on transport improvements for the town, including a new junction on the M9, and welcomes its ambition and work towards bringing what is considered to be this vital transport link to Winchburgh.

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