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Members' Business — S6M-13031 Martin Whitfield: Foster Care Fortnight

Thursday 16 May 2024 12:51 PM


That the Parliament recognises Foster Care Fortnight, taking place from 13 to 26 May 2024; believes that foster care gives children the opportunity to experience family life in a stable, loving and nurturing home environment, when it is not possible for them to live with their birth families; recognises that the theme for 2024 is #FosteringMoments, which celebrates the big and small moments that make foster care so transformative; thanks the reported 3,261 fostering households in Scotland for what it sees as their dedication and commitment to caring for children and young people who, it believes, have had some of the most difficult starts in life in this country; notes reports that there are currently 4,155 children and young people living in foster care in Scotland; understands that fostering can be incredibly rewarding, but also challenging in the context of higher living costs, what it considers to be stretched public services, and the emotional and practical demands of the role; is concerned that the number of fostering households in Scotland is reportedly decreasing, and understands that 400 more fostering households are needed; notes the belief that a resilient and well-resourced foster care sector is vital to Scotland’s work to keep The Promise, so that care experienced children and young people grow up safe, loved and respected, and further notes the calls for more support for foster carers to ensure that they can continue to do what they love, for the children and young people they love.

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