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Members' Business — S6M-12335 Willie Rennie: Flood Management

Tuesday 12 March 2024 4:51 PM


That the Parliament understands that the changing climate of Scotland has meant that the frequency of severe storms has increased, with more and more areas facing a high risk of flooding; considers that communities like Cupar and Brechin have already been severely impacted by flooding events, with people reportedly forced to evacuate homes and close businesses due to the damage caused; notes the belief that river catchment plans should be developed to guide landowners on the steps that they should take to maintain burns and rivers; further notes the belief that grants should be available to farmers to help with the management of water on land; understands that there is the option of additional Scottish Government funding through the Bellwin scheme, and notes the calls for grants to be made available directly to flooded businesses and householders in weather events beyond those classified as Amber by the Met Office.

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